So L has been gone since the end of June. We told her that when our lease was up she was going to have to find somewhere else to live, so she called her parents and they shipped her back home. Immediately felt the difference financially - we lost one third of the occupants to this place and gained half the bedrooms, and find that we're also spending less than half as much on food and laundry costs. Also, we can have sweets in the house without having them disappear or having to hide them in our bedroom!
This is such a relief...
Of course, I found out I was being let go from my hellish and hellishly long "temp" job at the end of July. Friday was my last day (hooray!!!!) We'd been spending what we were saving to try and replace some of her stuff that we had been using. We'll be OK though. We've got enough $ for 2 months rent at the new apartment (actually just the ground floor apartment in our current building) and with the $ Mike brings in and food assistance we should be alright until I find more work.
It'd just be nice if life would cut me a break already...